Sociological Perspectives on Work and Health

The rapid development and delimitation of the working world as well as the progressive dissolution of normal working relationships and (de-)professionalisation processes of various occupational fields do not remain without consequences for individuals. Self-optimization, temporary employment and keeping up in an accelerated working environment seem to have effects on (professional) identities and biographies as well as (mental) health. At the same time, this condensed working world is confronted by post-work movements that focus on turning away from wage labour as the last Western utopia, as well as demands for a decoupling of gainful employment and monetary remuneration through mechanisms such as the unconditional basic income: an idea that also calls into question the understanding of "normal" gainful employment and working hours. This rapid change presents society with new challenges and raises a broad spectrum of research-related questions.

The working group "Sociological Perspectives on Work and Health" deals with the subject areas of work, health and their interrelationships from a sociological, qualitative-empressive perspective. The thematic focus on the phenomenon not only enables the doctoral students to conduct interpretation workshops in a context of solidarity, but also to discuss theoretical concepts and methodological questions and to be a peer advisor for the course of the doctorate.



Josephine Jellen, phone: 0391-67-56547

Zschokkestraße 32, 39104 Magdeburg


Doctoral Students

Working Group

Maria Barthel Prof. Dr. Heike Olbrecht
Sabine Plaehn Prof. Dr. Heike Olbrecht
Stefanie Gandt Prof. Dr. Heike Olbrecht
Christian Ziems Prof. Dr. Heike Olbrecht
Bianca Lange Prof. Dr. Heike Olbrecht
Josephine Jellen Prof. Dr. Heike Olbrecht


We look forward to welcoming other interested doctoral candidates who would like to become part of DocAG.

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