"Extreme cases in the academic world*"

We are graduates of OvGU Magdeburg´s doctoral programme "Professional Education and Personnel Development”. Having completed the programme, we are pursuing our doctoral projects as external candidates, juggling at the same time job and family. Our common thematic ground is the higher education context. Besides, we use qualitative methods of social and educational research.

The objective of our working group (DocAG) is to provide mutual support regarding our doctoral projects. On the one hand, this support concerns framework aspects such as organisational and financial matters or knowledge and time management. On the other hand, we offer each other collegial advice during the research process (e. g. we exchange on the current status of our projects and on new ideas, we present results and discuss questions) and on how to bring our scientific qualification projects in line with everyday life.

We treat ourselves with research workshops, coachings and writing retreats. This is how we intend to pursue and complete our doctoral projects in a healthy and satisfying way – despite a variety of challenges due to our specific personal situations.

*This is how one of us was once described by a scholar during a friendly conversation. We think that this quote describes our situation quite well. And we like the humorous side of it. Thus, we chose it as the title of our working group.



Birgit Stubner, birgit.stubner@ovgu.de


 Doctoral Students

 Working Group

Birgit Stubner Prof. Dr. Philipp Pohlenz
Anita Sekyra Prof. Dr. Philipp Pohlenz
Katja Eisenächer Prof. Dr. Philipp Pohlenz
Miriam Burkhart Prof. Dr. Olaf Dörner

Last Modification: 22.03.2021 - Contact Person: Webmaster