Machine Learning Paper Club (MLPC)
Brief Description:
The Machine Learning Paper Club (MLPC) is a learning group in which the latest scientific publications in the field of machine learning are discussed and evaluated. The Paper Club was initiated by the AILab of the FIN under the guidance of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Stober in spring 2022. After a first test period, the number of participants will now be successively increased.
Interested PhD students and Post-Docs meet on a bi-weekly basis and discuss the previously agreed scientific publication. With the help of the voting function of the OVGU Cloud and the communication platform Mattermost of the OVGU, publications are collected and selected accordingly. The selected paper is then presented in a short presentation at the next meeting by the person who suggested the paper. The focus is on the subsequent discussion round, which is moderated by the said person. Since all participants should have read the publication in question in advance, a balanced discussion is encouraged.
Participants exchange information about publications in the field of machine learning at regular intervals. This will potentially provide new insights and also train critical thinking and reviewing of publications. The subject-specific exchange in the group also promotes the learning of important discussion and argumentation skills. Due to a heterogeneous field of participants from different disciplines, new perspectives were opened up. Ultimately, the critical dissection of scientific work forms the basis for subsequent publications.
Contact, Tel.: 0391-67-54936
Universitätsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg, building 29 - Room 028